Alaska’s mighty Susitna River is home to five species of salmon and is the 15th-largest river in the United States. Building a 100+ mile industrial road would cause irreversible harm to rivers, wetlands, and other critical fish and wildlife habitat across the Susitna watershed and waste millions of dollars the state cannot afford. That would be just the beginning of the devastation and disruption.

The West Su Industrial Access Road
The West Susitna Industrial Access Road would be a 100+ mile industrial corridor carved through the heart of one of Southcentral Alaska’s most iconic landscapes. This project puts the interest of foreign mining companies over the needs of everyday Alaskans.
Everything to Lose
Just northwest of Anchorage in the Susitna Valley is an entry point for big rivers, thriving salmon runs, and sporting opportunities. This region is home to the Iditarod National Historic Trail with the vast and mighty Alaska Range on the horizon. Wild and unspoiled by contamination, this public land is used for sporting, small businesses, and fish and wildlife habitat.

The West Su Region
Is home to critical runs of king salmon and the state’s largest run of hooligan
Supports a small business–driven economy that provides thousands of jobs and tens of millions of dollars in annual revenue
Provides opportunities for hunting moose, Dall sheep, bear, and waterfowl
Creates backcountry recreational access for Alaskans and visitors who utilize boat launches and snowmachine trails
Hosts a large stretch of the Iditarod National Historic Trail
The West Su Access Road is an industrial road that would be funded by Alaskans through two phases. One leading state agency is AIDEA, which has a track record of losing Alaskans’ money and gambling it on unprofitable private projects. The other is the Alaska Department of Transportation (DOT.) AIDEA has spent billions in taxpayer money with little to show for it. LEARN MORE>>
The Susitna River Watershed
Watch “The Super Salmon”
This thrilling, entertaining film from Alaska filmmaker Ryan Peterson showcases the journey of a "super salmon” — a wild salmon making its way up the Susitna River.
The Super Salmon from Ryan Peterson on Vimeo.