After Phase III of the West Susitna Access Road was approved by the Mat Su Borough Assembly on December 21, 2021, the Mat Su Borough agreed to use $50,000 of Borough money to conduct public outreach during the first quarter of 2022. This outreach includes the collection of public comments and two public meetings. The end result of this Borough public involvement project will be a summary of comments representing current public sentiment about the proposed West Susitna Access Road. A summary of the comments to the Borough Assembly and AIDEA will be made before submitting it to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers for consideration during the upcoming Clean Water Act permitting process.
*Please note, this will not impact AIDEA's current summer work schedule
The first open house will be held on Wednesday February 23, 2022 from 4-7 PM
Time for both meetings: 4 to 7 pm, Presentations at 4, 5, & 6 pm
Online Location:
Phone Location: 253-215-8782, Meeting ID: 860 7777 0537, Passcode: 150663